Aah! Bisto BCAA (250Gm)

3 sold


Key Features:-

    1. Rich source of essential nutrients
    2. Reduce delayed onset muscle soreness
    3. Promote muscle recovery
    4. Help in muscle building
    5. Helpful in burning fat
    6. It has required three essential amino acids
    7. Amino acids are considered the building blocks of proteins
    8. It improves muscle growth and enhances exercise performance
    9. Reduce fatigue after exercise
    10. Mostly broken down in the muscle
    11. Helps in muscle recovery
Fruit Punch


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SKU: B2N-ABBCAA-250 Categories: , Tags: ,

Aah! Bisto BCAA

Branched Chain Amino Acid, BCAAs are one of the important muscle recovery powders used by bodybuilders, athletes, or gym person. BCAA helps in reducing delayed onset muscle soreness, thus helping in enhancing muscle protein synthesis and preventing muscle catabolism.

It is one of the very important health supplement specially manufactured with L-Glutamine and other ingredients. It is a non-essential glucogenic amino acid and it allows you to reduce stress, and recover from injury, and infection, or surgery.

The protein is vital, supports muscle development, aids in minimizing tissue loss during exercise, and speeds up recovery.

Benefits of Aah! Bisto BCAA

  • Each serving of Aah! Bisto BCAA contains L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, glutamine creatine and L-Valine in the perfect ratio. It is best for beginners, trained athletes, and bodybuilders.
  • Aids in fast and efficient muscle recovery and post a strenuous workout session. It helps in preventing muscle degeneration and improves the overall muscle growth of the body.
  • It has greater absorption power and it is a rich source of L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, creatine and L-Valine. Glutamine BCAA powder is readily absorbed in the blood, and therefore, helps in the instant recovery of muscles.

How to Use Aah! Bisto BCAA?

1 scoop for the beginners is always recommended.  Trained athletes can scale it up to two-three scoops a day.

The powder helps in reducing muscle fatigue and soreness with its constant supply of essential nutrients and vitamins.

BCAA powder can be mixed with water, a cordial or a sports drink for use during a workout.

Pregnant and nursing mothers, and people with medical conditions should not take this supplement. These people must consult a physician before taking this supplement.





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